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Showing posts from January, 2020

My Best Friend

Good Morning Family, I am grateful for you, for the honor and privilege to share God's Word with you today. I am so incredibly blessed. Heavenly Father, Thank you for everything and all things we praise You For this congregation, today, I give thanks! For this gathering today in Your name; for hungry hearts and thirsty minds, for the heavy-laden, the broken and the light-hearted, for the fervent and the bored, for those who come to give and those who only take, for voices lifted in joy and for those with their mouths closed tight, for the clear-eyed, the dry-eyed and those who's eyes are filled with tears, for the faithful and the merely habitual, for the new born babies in arms and seniors in wheelchairs, I give thanks for each of those here today, of all ages worshiping gathered here today, For those who are present, For those joining by website and social media,  Gathered together, we are Your church Lord, I pray for Your wisdom to interpret scripture...

If I Could Just Get To Jesus

Good Morning Family I'm sure you have no idea how much it warms my heart to have all of you here every time we gather together. I am grateful and so abundantly blessed. Each and every one of you matter! Let us pray.. Heavenly Father, Thank you for what you have done for each of us the seen and the unseen O Lord, open our ears that we may hear your word. Open our eyes , that we may see your presence Open our arms so that we may learn to embrace others,  Especially those we disagree with, who are also your children Open our hearts and minds to Your divine truth Amen " Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years,  and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse.  When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment.  For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” Immediately the fountain of her blood was dri...

The Power of the Word - Breaking Destructive Patterns

Good Morning Family, I am always so blessed to have you all here, thank you for joining us. Heavenly Father, Thank you for my family here today. I ask and pray that You bless them with Your favor. Provide for all of their needs. I ask You to protect them from harm and evil. Surround them in the shadow of Your wing. Go before them and prepare the way for them. If any path is crooked, I ask you to make it straight. Protect them from the schemes of the enemy and keep them from deception. Cause them each to make wise decisions. Bring Your perfect peace to their hearts, minds and families. Cleanse them is the shed blood of Your Lamb, Your Son. In Jesus name I ask and pray, Amen. Today, message I've entitled Power of the Word - Breaking Destructive Patterns because many people are struggling with the destructive patterns in their lives. Today I want to talk about how to tear down those strongholds in your life. Many of us have what we call baggage.. It may be emoti...

The Brian Monzon Ministries



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