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Showing posts from March, 2020

Fear Vs Faith

Good Morning Beloved! Heavenly Father, You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love As we all struggle together to feed our families Help us to see the purpose behind Your plan.  Provide us with the necessary grace.  Keep us set upon Your face, to find strength,  to discover faith to keep trying and to believe  that miracles are still happening today and in all circumstances. Lord, in this time where healing is desperately needed Heal us of whatever might need healed especially, anything that separates us from You In Jesus' name we ask and pray Amen " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10 Today's Message: Fear VS Faith The church does not understand the fear of the Lord, but it is a very large, significant part of a victorious Christian life. God is never caught by surprise! He is never shocked by the circumstances we find ourselves in H...

The Matter Of Uriah

Good Morning Beloved, I'm so thankful we can be joined together to worship and praise our Lord Heavenly Father, We thank You for assembling us all together today our world is rapidly changing, its overwhelming at times Your church is broken, charmed by false gods teaching false doctrine, we live in a world, where so many are displaced from their homes, children are going hungry, the elderly are cast aside, often mistreated, or even forgotten. a world where the rich hold the reins of power   God of hope, we are vulnerable turn our eyes upward toward You  that we may look to You for vision  and encourage to always do what's right to strive to be faithful in both word and deed in times like these, lend us Your voice to speak words of hope, encouraging one another looking down on others only to lend a helping hand  to those who have greater needs that ourselves deliver us O merciful Lord from the evil around us and the sin within us In Your hol...

From Pain To Praise!

Good Morning Beloved! I know we're living in uncertain times today many are unemployed, battling depression some are quarantined or on lock down.. I pray you will walk away from this mess Heavenly Father, Thank You, for everything You have already done We often find ourselves asking "why?" Why us? Why now?  Father, we know there will be good days and bad days We know You hear the cries of people at the end of their rope. We acknowledge that not all is sparkling and bright right now as things seem to continue becoming worse with the spread of Covid-19, that people are desperate for some ray of hope When we are bombarded by devastating news  Give us a Word of encouragement And so we pray for some good news Lord, You know the particular pain of each and every one Our stories of grief and sickness do not go unheard You gather our stories of pain and of fear in these uncertain times, when the most basic of supplies are unavailable, or unaffordable...

Take Up Your Cross!

Good Morning Beloved, I'm so thankful for all of you joining us today. Heavenly Father, We sense your power in the natural things thunderous crash, lightning flash and the roaring of the ocean waves, we give You praise  We also see Your hand in our present circumstances causing even more to realize their dependence on You  Lord, we acknowledge You are in control We pray that Your Holy Spirit would prompt a right response, from each of us. I pray that You would work in the hearts of those who hear this message to make a right judgments, toward others Call us to a greater mission than ourselves, to take up our cross and follow You.  In Your name we pray Amen   "And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For ...

The Brian Monzon Ministries



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