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Showing posts from October, 2019

A Talent For Rejction

Good Morning Everyone! It's so good to have all of you with us today! Thank you for joining us.. If you're like me, at some point, you have lived your life in an effort to please others. And, I'm pretty sure, like me, you have found that you and rejection are closer friends than you ever desired to become. Can I get a witness? AMEN! If you are going to spend your time, energy and effort to please anyone, let it be Jesus! It is not a matter of choice, it's only a matter of timing. Sooner or later, no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you try.....You WILL experience rejection. I'm sure you've heard the old saying, "You can please some of the people, some of the time. But you can't please all of the people, all of the time! Amen? (laughing) AMEN! I can assure you of this, if you are going to live your life for God, you must develop a talent for handling rejection! When I began to study this subject some things became...

You Ain't Getting My Garden!

Good Morning Everyone! Now I know there is a lot of you who are looking at bit puzzled at the title of today's message.. (laughing) Yes, I know I used the "ain't" word! I want to begin by saying that I do realize that in this title for this message, I used a very controversial word. “Ain’t” I’ve heard a great many people say, that the word ain’t, is not a real word, it is not in the dictionary. I beg to differ. The word “ain’t” is in the Merriam-Webster Advanced Dictionary as well as the Thesaurus. (smiling) The word “ain’t” is described as a contraction for the words, am not, or are not. May believe that only those who are "less than well-educated, use the word "Ain't".. But I can assure  it is not because of a lack of education, that I chose to use the word “ain’t”. I chose to use this controversial word, because of the matter of passion. If someone says, “You aren’t going to do such and such”, then that statement is simp...

Spiritual Warfare - Fact or Fiction? Part Six

Good Morning to Everyone! What a blessing to have you all here today! And what a precious gift, we have been given.. " This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24 Amen? AMEN! AMEN! Before we begin, I want to quickly recap what we have studied previously, to bring us up-to-date, for those who may be here for the first time or for those of us who have a little trouble remembering... And I'm going to try my best to wrap this series up today. First Season of Temptation takes place immediately after conversion. . Second Season of Temptation takes place when the pain of life settles in on us. . . Third Season of Temptation takes place when we are about to embark on some great victory. . . Fourth Season of Temptation will take place when the devil puts objects near us that will cause us to fall. . . Then the Fifth Season of Temptation will take place after we have received the great grace and mercy of God.  ...

Spiritual Warfare - Fact or Fiction? Part Five

Good Morning Everyone! The last time we were all together, we were talking about the temptation in victory. Or those mountaintop moments of our life, when something really good has happened and satan attacks us... I believe I'm safe in saying, we've all experienced those... Can I get an Amen? Amen!  A quick recap of what we've learned so far.. First Season of Temptation takes place immediately after conversion. . .   Second Season of Temptation takes place when the pain of life settles in on us. . .   Third Season of Temptation takes place when we are about to embark on some great victory. . . So when does the fourth temptation occur? Anyone know? Then the Fourth Season of Temptation will take place when the devil puts objects near us that will cause us to fall . . . So can we guess what I've called this message? Very good... your so close...  The Fourth Season—Objects for the Fall: When he tempted Eve and brought her to fall, he used...

Spiritual Warfare - Fact or Fiction? Part Four

Good Morning Everyone! I'm so glad you're all here today! And for those of you who are here for the first time! Welcome.. If you just joining us, we're in the middle of the message series "Spiritual Warfare - Six Seasons of Temptation" In the First Season of Temptation takes place immediately after conversion. . . In the Second Season of Temptation takes place when the pain of life settles in on us. . . And now the Third Season of Temptation takes place when we are about to embark on some great victory. So I've called this message; The Third Season—At the Beginning of a Great Victory! This is the times in our life, when things are going well... It is also often referred to the "Mountain Top Moments." It's when we have endured the long high climb to the top of the mountain, we're atop of the mountain, reveling in our accomplishment! Most people love mountaintop experiences. We delight in the feeling of being esp...

Spiritual Warfare - Fact or Fiction? Part Three

Good Morning! I'm glad you're all here! And, I'm a bit surprised to see how many of you there are! I had confidence in you all, that you would return! As your pastor, it does my heart good to see so many hungry for the Word of God! Let's get right to a Word from God this morning, shall we? We saw last time that the First Season of Temptation takes place immediately after conversion. . . Anyone know when the Second season takes place? Anyone? The Second Season of Temptation takes place when the pain of life settles in on us. . . So I've called this message: The Second Season—The Pain of Life. The devil is masterful in attacking us with painful situations—both of mind and body. Amen? Sick bodies and sick minds become his playground.   In those times of gripping pain, he makes us to think that God has abandoned us, somehow forgotten us in our time of need or that God just does not care.   He longs for us to think that the Holy Spirit ...

Spiritual Warfare - Fact or Fiction? Part Two

Good Morning Everyone! I'm so grateful to see so many of you back this morning! To be honest, I wasn't sure... how many of you would return. Sometimes, when a pastor is teaching a series, and people squirm in their seats.. you can almost be assured, knowing it will be continued, the congregation count will be down in the services following, until the series has ended. " To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:" Ecclesiastes 3:1   As we read in the texts last time from Luke and this morning in Ecclesiastes, there is a clear understanding as to the fact that there are certain seasons that take place in our lives. Amen? If the devil left the Lord for a season that means that his three temptations took place also in a season, which is pretty elementary. Isn't that true? William Gurnall , wrote in his book, The Christian in Complete Armour , "Satan knows when to make his approaches, when (if at any time) he ...

Spiritual Warfare - Fact or Fiction? Part One

Good Morning Everyone! What a blessing and joy to see all of you here today.. Why? Because You Matter! How many of you, like me, have known someone who was struggling with some pretty big things in their lives? Raise your hand All of you... How many of you have tried to give some important advice to to that person, and because it wasn't what they wanted to hear, they tune you out? They don't seem to want to hear it... Sometimes a preacher is cast in the unpopular role of preaching a message that people either don’t want to hear or that they don’t want to believe!   There is nothing more disconcerting for a preacher to know that he has some good advice, not his own, but that of Scripture that would mightily help people to serve the Lord much more victoriously than what they are doing. " Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time." Luke 4:13 There is no message more disregarded than the idea of ...

The Brian Monzon Ministries



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