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Fear Vs Faith

Good Morning Beloved!

Heavenly Father,

You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love
As we all struggle together to feed our families
Help us to see the purpose behind Your plan. 
Provide us with the necessary grace. 
Keep us set upon Your face, to find strength, 
to discover faith to keep trying and to believe 
that miracles are still happening today and in all circumstances.
Lord, in this time where healing is desperately needed
Heal us of whatever might need healed
especially, anything that separates us from You
In Jesus' name we ask and pray

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
Proverbs 9:10

Today's Message: Fear VS Faith

The church does not understand the fear of the Lord, but it is a very large, significant part of a victorious Christian life.

God is never caught by surprise!
He is never shocked by the circumstances we find ourselves in
He wasn’t surprised by the persecution of the early church.
He wasn’t surprised by world wars

He wasn’t surprised the Plague, Measles, Mumps, Small pox, SARS, Swine
flu or this, COVID-19.

Our God hasn’t lost control, and will not lose control!
And neither should we.

Fear is Paralyzing
Fear causes us to do strange things.
A sound mind is the opposite of Fear...

The life's circumstances and the events of the world around us should not affect our faith in
God, and His ability cause us to reach the intention He has for our lives.

The Coronavirus may have shutdown communities, employers, global economy .. It has brought the travel industry to a stand still, but believe me, God's hand is in it all. He promises to take care of His children, and I have no fear, in those promises, He always has and always will provide for our needs.

There are certain truths, promises and prophecies that are fundamental doctrines, they are non-negotiable, unalterable truths. And either we can believe all of doctrine in God's Word, or we can believe none of it! God's Word, cannot be comprised, not even by the current events of our world.

Unfortunately, most churches today have deviated from the priority of doctrine and moved to develop a human focus, man's wants, needs and desires. Rather than faithfully proclaiming God's sufficient Word to direct people's minds toward God, which gives us faith, the kind of faith that overcomes fear. No longer are many churches, an organization that emphasizes knowing God and glorifying God; but it has become an organization that tries to help people feel good about themselves, while remaining in their sin.

Beloved, when your relationship with God is right, your perspective on our needs will also change.
Perspective is an important word here. Is not to imply we should ignore the needs of others, not caring about the needs of others, as we are commanded to care about their needs just as God does. However, we are to reach out to people with the love of Christ, but God must be the primary focus of our worship and our life.... always.

If you just lay in bed at night and worry about the things you can’t
even see, quantify or believe God for... You are going to be filled with fear. Our reactionary response to fear gives credit to the “enemy.” It’s a trap to not follow good precautionary measures 

And I know many of you are upset about church services around the nation being cancelled. But whether we have service in a building or not has nothing to do with our faith... It’s just good common sense at this stage. 
If we do not consider the health of our congregation, we end up looking like fools if people become sick with this virus from our churches. If that occurs, we lose our level of influence in the world.

Physical distancing is the best defense against any pandemic!
It is more about not overloading our healthcare systems than it is catching COVID-19

He has used your job to provide for you, just as He can and will, this word means FAITH, use anything to take care of us. We will begin to see resources we never imagined.

So how do we plan for our immediate future?
Utilize this time for: 
Family time
Reading together
Crafts and games
Working on the projects you keep putting off 
SOW GOD'S WORD into your Family
Praying as a family

Ministry leaders;
Let your church move outside the four walls 
that have been restricting your Christian growth anyway.

Promote online giving
Promote online attendance 
Send out a worship set 
Send out a prayer list
Promote community “family” participation 
Send a daily uplifting Facebook update
Become a resource for others 
Become a resource for people who have no one to turn to 

Hope is always a great message to preach, and your life, actions, and words are the best message the world will ever see.

God reveals Himself primarily through the pages of Scripture; that is why we must uphold it as our absolute authority. And because we believe Scripture is true, we must proclaim it with conviction and without compromise or apology. The Bible makes bold claims, and Christians who believe it ought to affirm it boldly. It is not by our own authority, but by the authority of God's Word. Our teaching accurately reflects the truth of Scripture, therefore, it has the full weight of God's own authority behind it.

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies."
Romans 8:28-33 

If the Bible is true, and it is then it is also authoritative!

What we need now, more than ever, are pastors who teach sound doctrine!
Many pastors today, offer short sermons that excite them or make their congregations feel better, but they have little to do with truths that matter. We need truths that we can hold on to, truths about God, life and death, heaven and hell, man and sin, redemption through Jesus Christ, the ministry of the Holy Spirit and angels, the believer's position in Christ, and Satan, his armies and his realm. 

More than ever, people need to hear the truths of sound doctrine. It is not only needed,
it's required of those of us who teach the bible! Teaching sound doctrine to the congregation, is non-negotiable for any pastor of the church. In a time, where many Christians aren't as concerned about their personal holiness as they should be, we need to be teaching sound doctrine.
Church leaders are not the only ones who should be living holy lives. Christ is still the spiritual authority. And church leaders must understand that Christ is the head of the church!
People do not come to church, to see you perform. It's not a comedy club.
They are not showing up to church to hear your latest jokes.
The Church, no matter who holds the deed to the property, it belongs to Christ!
We must never, ever forget, they are coming to hear the Word of God.

The pulpit is a privilege! And no matter how they appear to be entertained by jokes,
regardless of how good we believe ourselves to be, we are privileged to stand in the pulpit and teach the Bible. We must never allow ourselves to forget that.

Beloved, we can't afford to have a half-hearted commitment to God and still expect Him to work through you. He requires a full, whole hearted commitment from each and every one of us.

I happen to be the one whom God chose to preach, one of many. And there are many variations in the giftedness of spiritual leaders, but there is only One spiritual headship, Jesus Christ, is the head of the church. It is the responsibility of every church to be committed to training godly leadership, and obeying those godly leaders.

And while there is room for diversity within the Body of Christ, every true church must be united by certain non-negotiables. Make sure you and your church are fully committed to Christ and the ties that bind us all.

I must say, that with more than two thousand years of history behind the church, and with all the faithful Bible teachers through the centuries, you would find some level of clarity on what it means to be a Christian. I find it is completely bewildering that all these many years later, that there is still an urgent, an obvious need in the professing church to clarify the gospel message.

"Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."
2 Corinthians 7:1

In Closing....

We need to be teaching people, that no matter how desperate things looks presently,
God is still in control and He has not forgotten His people.

He has not forgotten His people!
His plan for this world is still to draw the hearts of all people to Him.
People are praying around this world like they never have before!
Let’s not allow this time to be a time of decrease, let’s make it to be a time of increase.
Now is the time to believe that God is going to bring people to salvation.
God is going to answer prayers.
He is going heal people and rescue the perishing.

And now may the Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Now and forever, in Jesus' name

Copyright © 2019-2020 All Rights Reserved
Brian Monzon Ministries

The Brian Monzon Ministries



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