We have all heard the phrase "Holier than thou."
It's likely we have even encountered someone who is extremely opinionated or met someone who acts superior, believing their way is the right way, the only way. Maybe it was about a co-worker or boss. Or a member of the congregation, or even the pastor. Or maybe, just maybe, someone has even said this about you or I?
Come on, let's all be honest with one another. I won't tell anyone, if.... you don't tell on me. haha
It's ok to admit it, it doesn't make you or I, a bad person, it makes us human.
Even as believers and followers of Christ, we're still human. We each have our own ideas and strong opinions. And it's ok to express them.
But we cannot allow our ideas to become greater than God's plan, allowing our will to usurp the will of God.
If there is to be unity in the body of Christ today, we must as individuals have an attitude of humility, cultivating a measured opinion of ourselves,
acknowledging our gifts from God, but thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought.
“But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man.”
Matthew 15:18
Lowliness, impacted by the gospel of Christ, became the seed of the Christian grace of humility.
Keeping in mind, that whatever our gift, it is given only by God, that we in and of ourselves, are no more or less valuable than another.
"Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all."
1 Corinthians 12:4-6
And this also includes the greeters, church secretary, staff and the pastors of the church. Each is a equal and valuable asset to the body of Christ.
“For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves.
But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”
2 Corinthians 10:12
We are all to work together, in humility and unity, for the cause of Christ and the glory of the Father.
Like a well oiled machine, with each intricate part, moving swiftly and effectively, performing exactly as it should.
We as believers are to govern our lives in lowliness of mind. Before Christ came, this phrase was viewed as a negative character trait, associated with weakness and cowardice.
After Christ came, He taught His disciples how to submit to one another of love rather than fear.
Pride, conceit and selfish ambition is like a balloon, the bigger the outside becomes, the bigger the emptiness on the inside.
Enthroning ourselves at the expense of God, rather than humbling ourselves as the Lord humbled Himself.
We must guard against selfish ambitions, (which is the source behind most petty disagreements in the church today), and we must come together,
in joining souls, for the cause of Christ. Becoming soul brothers and sisters, in harmony & unity.
As members of the family of Christ, we must be in one mind, regardless of what some may teach today,
there is no spiritual unity without fundamental doctrinal oneness.
We can disagree on something’s, but we must hold and embrace the same tenets of spiritual truth.
In his letter to Timothy, toward the end of his life, Paul described himself as the hued of sinners. 1 Timothy 1:15.
When Paul viewed himself in the totality of the body of Christ, he considered others better than himself. This wasn’t false piety, or sense pride or arrogance.
No matter how great the diversity among God’s people, there should always be unity because of the Holy Spirit, who lives in each one of us.
If many of the churches and more believers today understood this nature of Christ’s body they would be motivated toward unity!
Brian Monzon Ministries