Anyone else ever get a paper cut? How can such a little cut hurt so much, right?
Or pain of stubbing your little toe, or the pain and suffering of
broken a bone and felt the horrifying pain?
I want to speak to today about pain, suffering. We’ve all experienced it.
Maybe it’s was a break up or divorce, the loss of a loved one.
How many of you would willing take that pain on for some you love? Come on, not just say the words, or write the heart felt note in letter or card.
But actually and physically endure the pain for someone you love? We’ve all done it, let’s be honest. Said the right words and the right time to someone. And then we may have even hoped at the time we spoke the words, Man I hope they don’t really take me up on it. It just came if came out.
To some, the cross is a fashion statement, a necklace, a bumper sticker, a object hanging on your wall.
But the cross really represents the pain, suffering, torture of a love so great, Our Lord Jesus Christ, did just that. He backed up His words with action. He not only carried His own cross to His crucifixion, and then He willingly and sacrificially laid down His life for you and for me.
If you are feeling unloved in this fallen world, take a moment a know there is someone who loves you beyond words, and has expressed that love with His actions... His name is Jesus Christ. Do you know Him?
Brian Monzon Ministries