Good Morning to everyone!
Do you ever feel as though someone is watching your every move?
Well, it's likely they ARE!
As Christians, we often live under a microscope! People watch are every move, just waiting to point the accusatory finger, pointing out our shortcomings and mistakes to a sinful world..
"See! Look at them AND those So-Called Christians!
Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved
Brian Monzon Ministries
Do you ever feel as though someone is watching your every move?
Well, it's likely they ARE!
As Christians, we often live under a microscope! People watch are every move, just waiting to point the accusatory finger, pointing out our shortcomings and mistakes to a sinful world..
"See! Look at them AND those So-Called Christians!
believers, we are not called to just exist in this crooked world, but
to shine a light, offering to others, the hope of God’s Word.
John 1:4 said, that Jesus was “the light of men.”
In John 9:5, Jesus said “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of
the world.” And to His disciples, He said, “You are the light of the
world.” Matthew 5:14
the same text, He commanded them, “Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
reminded all Christians, “For you were once darkness, but now you are
light in the world. Walk as children of light.” - Ephesians 5:8
challenge we face today, is living straight in a crooked world, to live
blamelessly, to live above reproach, before believers and unbelievers
alike, with integrity, that no one can point an accusatory finger.
The word harmless means pure or unmixed. It was used to describe wine that had not been diluted or gold jewelry that was without alloy. It was translated by the word simple in Romans 16:19, where Paul said he wanted them to to be ‘simple' concerning evil.
In Matthew 10:16, Jesus used the word when He told His disciples they were to be as harmless as doves.
Such conduct, being blameless and harmless, was to be lived out before a ‘crooked and perverse’ world. When Paul described a crooked world, he used the Greek word skolias. From which we get the term scoliosis, a medical term used for the curvature of the spine.
When Paul added to this descriptive term the word perverse, he was speaking of a world that which was permanently disfigured or distorted.
In the nineties, an extensive survey was taken that guaranteed the anonymity of the participants, the results were startling. Only 13% of Americans saw the Ten Commandments as binding. 91% percent lied regularly, at home and work.
In response to the question, “Whom have you regularly lied to?” 86% to parents and 75% to friends. 33% of AIDS carriers admitted to not having told their sexual partners. 50% of workers admitted to regularly calling in sick, while being perfectly well.
And most admitted to goofing off regularly at work, for an average of 7 hours per week! Nearly an entire work day, per week!
The survey also posed the question, “What are you willing to do for $10 million?” 20% said they would abandon their families, 23% admitted they would prostitute, 7% said they would kill a stranger. That’s 7 out of 100 Americans who would consider killing you for the right price!
In the early 90’s, a new book had hit college campuses, entitled “Cheating 101: The Benefits and Fundamentals of Earning the Easy "A"” Newsweek carried an article in 1992 about that book, "A Cheater's Guide To High Marks (And Big $)"
The story in part said, “Whoever said cheaters never prosper never met Michael Moore.
The story in part said, “Whoever said cheaters never prosper never met Michael Moore.
A junior at Rutgers University, in New Jersey, said Moore is the author of Cheating 101: The Benefits and Fundamentals of Earning the Easy A.
An 87 page guide to academic guile, Cheating offers the finer points of plagiarizing, swiping exams and passing answers right under the professor’s nose. Moore really doesn’t see himself as a Fink or Fagin. “I don’t think I’m making a cheater out of anybody, it’s their choice.”
He continued by saying, “Its like drunk driving. It’s only wrong, if you get caught.”
There is no better way to describe this generation than the word Paul used: Skolias .... CROOKED!
Brian Monzon Ministries