Good morning to all!
Do you ever feel like no matter what you for someone, no matter how well you do it, they find some fault with what you’ve done?
That if you do all that you can to do of what they ask, they’re still just not 100% happy?
Guys, maybe you spend your only day off, rather than to relax, watch the game, you accomplish everything thing you can for your spouse, while they were having lunch with a friend or family member. Or maybe they were sleeping in..
You were feeling really good about all that you had accomplished and when they learned of it, they mention the one thing that you didn’t do? And you’re left feeling like what you’ve just wasn’t quite good enough to please them.
Ladies, I’m not even going to ask this if you. I know men can be unappreciative of all you do, work, kids, household chores, dinner etc.
Come on, we’ve all felt it! I can admit that I have.
And it’s even likely, I may have even responded to what someone else had done for me, they didn’t do that ONE THING I really wanted done.
And maybe, it’s because they only had a limited amount of time to spend and was hoping to do as many things as possible rather that to do just the one thing, which would have taken all their time. Leaving the rest of the list undone!
Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved
Brian Monzon Ministries
Do you ever feel like no matter what you for someone, no matter how well you do it, they find some fault with what you’ve done?
That if you do all that you can to do of what they ask, they’re still just not 100% happy?
Guys, maybe you spend your only day off, rather than to relax, watch the game, you accomplish everything thing you can for your spouse, while they were having lunch with a friend or family member. Or maybe they were sleeping in..
You were feeling really good about all that you had accomplished and when they learned of it, they mention the one thing that you didn’t do? And you’re left feeling like what you’ve just wasn’t quite good enough to please them.
Ladies, I’m not even going to ask this if you. I know men can be unappreciative of all you do, work, kids, household chores, dinner etc.
Come on, we’ve all felt it! I can admit that I have.
And it’s even likely, I may have even responded to what someone else had done for me, they didn’t do that ONE THING I really wanted done.
And maybe, it’s because they only had a limited amount of time to spend and was hoping to do as many things as possible rather that to do just the one thing, which would have taken all their time. Leaving the rest of the list undone!
It’s been said that Daniel Webster used a technique to give a person that he remembered them when he was unable to remember their name, where they’d met before, he simply ask “How’s the old complaint?” Nine out of ten times it worked! The person would begin to recount their grievances.
As the person began to complain about their grievances, that he had discussed previously, Mr. Webster would begin to, sooner or later, recall the details of the person, and how he knew them.
Websters’ technique should never work among Christians! We should do all things without murmuring or complaining. Grumbling or complaining is an outward activity that grows out of the inward spirit.
We all face an unprecedented pressure in today’s society.
Pressure to perform, to compete, to succeed. Family pressures, financial pressures, job pressures, time pressures. Our kids are feeling pressure in school.
We may even be facing pressure in our church.
We, as believers, are facing pressures in society, that mot of us, have never experienced before. We’re all living in times of great pressures and tensions in our lives.
However, we Christians should be able to disagree with others without becoming disagreeable!
Pressure to perform, to compete, to succeed. Family pressures, financial pressures, job pressures, time pressures. Our kids are feeling pressure in school.
We may even be facing pressure in our church.
We, as believers, are facing pressures in society, that mot of us, have never experienced before. We’re all living in times of great pressures and tensions in our lives.
However, we Christians should be able to disagree with others without becoming disagreeable!
The apostle Paul knew that before the Christians in Philippi could make an impact on their city, they must straighten out the differences in their own assembly. They could not be grumbling and complaining amongst themselves and attract people to Christ!
That’s why Paul instructed the Philippians to “do al things without murmuring and disputing.” Murmuring can be defined as an outward expression of an inward lawlessness, a rebellion, that shakes a fist in the face of God. That questions His authority, love and wisdom.
“Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel”
As Christians we must live in the world, but there should be a noticeable difference in our character and lifestyle. They murmur, complain and gripe, but we should not. They live according to a crooked standard and corrupt ethic, we are to harmless and blameless.
As Christians, our conduct must not be simply motivated by, or last only as long as the service at church, but daily by the presence of Christ in our lives.
The importance of our role of responsibility should be underscored by the instruction of the Word of God, with a proper sense of respect. Like the apostle Paul, we should take our responsibility as believers very seriously.
Brian Monzon Ministries