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Permission To Prosper Abundant Life Part Two

Good Morning Everyone!

If you were to ask Jesus why He came to Earth and why He robed Himself in flesh and died on the cross of Calvary what would you expect Him to say?

To bring salvation to the world?
To show the people of world the way to Heaven?
To forgive sin?

There is a lot of different reasons we could give, and I am most of them would be probably be correct.

So let's see what Scripture says:
"I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
John 10:10 NKJV

"My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."

This is one of the 3 "I Am’s" in the gospels.

Now, I normally do not bring up any other versions of translation but in this case
I wanted you hear what the NLT and NKJV Versions say, to make my point a little more clear..

So according to the Bible, John 10:10, the answer to our question is;
Jesus answers our question this way:
"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

So I for today's message, I have decided to call it.... Permission To Prosper

King David scripture

"Thus Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel. And Samuel said to Jesse, “The Lord has not chosen these.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Are all the young men here?” Then he said, “There remains yet the youngest, and there he is, keeping the sheep.”
And Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and bring him. For we will not sit down till he comes here." So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with bright eyes, and good-looking. And the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is the one!” Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel arose and went to Ramah."
1 Samuel 16:10-15

David was just was not appreciated at all. And though I really do not like to put it this way, but David was considered by his brothers to be the “Runt of the litter”.

Even his own father didn’t think much of him. 
He never even called him in from the field when Samuel came to anoint one of His sons.
In fact, he was never even considered by his father at all.

But God had a plan for David’s life! 
When no one else thought he was worth even inviting to the meeting, God placed him at the top of His agenda. 

His brothers didn’t give David permission to prosper.
His own father didn’t give him permission to prosper.
But God, He gave David permission to prosper!!

And prosper he did! 

He killed Goliath
He married Saul’s daughter
He became the favorite king of Israel.
His son who became king after him, and was the richest and wisest man in the entire world.
All because of the prosperity of David, and all that he prepared for him.
And like with many of us, David prospered so much, it messed him up for a while.

But that did not keep God from blessing Him when he got his heart right.
God had to correct him more than a few times in his life…

But, by the end of his life, it was easy to say that he had come a mighty long way from tending his father’s sheep on the backside of some hill somewhere.

Too many Christians today believe that living for God means living defeated lives, in destroyed homes, with no hope of ever rising above the thievery and destruction and death that the enemy has brought into their lives.

I am here this morning, to tell you, that God is giving you permission to prosper!

Your potential does not need to stay buried.
Your talent does not have to remain hidden.
Your spiritual condition can significantly improve… it can improve a whole lot, beginning today!

In fact, I believe that God would like to fill you with His Spirit before you leave this here today!

There are some of you, who may have spent most of your life hidden by the shadow of others

and have been forgotten by very people who should have helped you!

But I am here today with a Word from the Holy Spirit, that Jesus Christ came to give you Life and that More Abundantly!

Jesus is giving you permission to prosper. In fact, He WANTS you to prosper!

Now, I'd like to clarify something, before anyone begins to misunderstand what I'm saying here
I am not preaching what some call the prosperity gospel!

Because I believe, there are far too many preachers pushing that line of thinking,
but I also believe that there are some promises in the Word of God that are for us all today
and if we don’t recognize that fact and claim those things, then they may forever become lost to us.

We all know that God had a much better plan for Adam and Eve’s than what ultimately happened because of their sin and disobedience.

God had a much better plan for the world before Noah was told to build the ark than having to the destroy world with a flood.

His desire for Israel was over and over again to prosper above the other nations and to be victorious over their enemies.

But as we know from Scripture, that’s not what happened is it?
No, and the reason why is because when God was offering to bless them they chose instead to go another direction, like many of us have...

People are always quick to judge what happened in the Garden of Eden.
But how much different are we from them?
How many times, has God had something for us, that by our own disobedience and sin, have we derailed our ability to receive it?

Because God has given each of us the spirit of free will, we are at times our own worst enemy!

God, in His Word, is offering us some pretty amazing stuff! 
But instead we disconnect from His Word, from His promises in our lives and end up very very far from where He wanted to take us...

But God's Word has told us to "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” 
James 4:7

You have God's permission to prosper here today.

How many of you know what the difference was between David being a shepherd boy and a king of a great nation?
The anointing of God on his life.
The anointing oil in his life.
God’s influence.
God’s favor.
God’s blessing
God’s protection
God’s blessing.
Permission to Prosper...

David, once just another shepherd with a stick, tending to sheep in a field.
But let the anointing oil be poured out on his head and man look out!
He’s a giant killer.
He’s someone people are going to write songs about.
He’s going to marry a kings daughter.
He’s himself will become king.
He’ll destroy the enemies of Israel.
He’ll prepare the place and materials to build the temple of God.

That's not prosperity preaching, that's right out of the Word of God!
I believe that the devil knew David's potential..
I believe that's why he had him in a field, tending his father's sheep,
that's why he raised up such contention against David and his brothers, and his father.

I believe he knew if the anointing oil every got on this kids head, that Giants were going fall to their knees and the enemy of Israel was going run like scattered dogs.

Somebody hearing this today needs to understand that the reason the devil fights you so hard,

is because he’s afraid of what will happen if you ever get up under the anointing of God’s potential in your life!

God wants you to prosper Spiritually!
God wants to fill you with His Spirit just like He did those believers in Jerusalem.
and just like He did the believers in Samaria,
and just like He did at Cornelius house
and just like He did John’s disciples on the road to ……

Read Acts Chapter 2, that is for you.  

"While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word."
Acts 10:44

I know that some of you are struggling in your marriage..
God wants your marriage to prosper...
I know there’s been some stuff happen. 
I know things have been said that hurt. 
I know there is some mistrust and a lot of bitterness and resentment,

But you need to know that God loves you. 
And he loves your spouse
And if you have them, He loves your kids too!

And He has some really amazing stuff available for your marriage if only you’d let His anointing touch your marriage. 
Jesus came to give you Life more abundantly and that includes your marriage today. 

Today, you may not feel like it. You may not see much hope. 
Others may not see much hope,
but God put His blessing on your marriage a long time ago and He hasn’t lifted.

Some of you may have recently received a medical diagnosis, that seems hopeless..
But I'm here to tell you, There is still hope.
In fact, there is GREAT HOPE 

God desires to heal you!

God wants to bless your finances. 
Pressed down,
Shaken together,
Running over. 

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us  to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."
Ephesians 3:20-21

You have God’s favor.
You have God’s blessing.
You’re part of His family now.
Our Heavenly Father gives good gifts to His children.
You don’t have to stay in your situation
You have permission to prosper.

And God wants to Bless your Witness to Others!
Anyone remember what Jesus told that demoniac of Gaddereen?
“Go and tell other people what I did for you here today.”
That demoniac was the first evangelist found in the New Testament.
Some of you may think because you’ve made some pretty huge mistakes that God can’t use you?
You think because so much has gone wrong in your life that you can’t be a blessing to others?
You think that because Life has gone so wrong that your Testimony won’t make a difference?
You have permission to prosper!

God's not finished with you, He's not done!

He wants to use you to change somebody else’s life.
God wants to use your life as an example to the whole world of His power!

And what He meant when Jesus said I am come to give life and that more abundantly.
Don't believe me?
Peter was just a fisherman.
Paul was a murderer of Christians.
Matthew was a much hated tax collector.
John was just some young kid that no one thought much of…

And you know there is even more examples..
That was until....

Jesus gave them Permission to Prosper.
He came to give them Life More Abundantly.

Then what happened?

You see them laying hands on sick people and them being healed.
You see them telling the lame man at the Gate Beautiful, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Rise up and Walk. And the lame man got up and walked and danced and Praise God!
Miracles of every kind happened in these men’s lives because Jesus came to give them Life and that more abundantly and guess what they did…
They chose Life and that more abundantly.

They chose to listen to the voice of Jesus, and not to listen to the voice of devil
They chose to prosper when the thief tried to kill them.
They chose to prosper when the thief tried to steal from them.
They chose to prosper when the thief tried to destroy them.

Today, you also have a choice..
you can either let the devil use the stuff of life destroy who God says you are and kill the God given potential that is inside of you or you can choose Abundant Life.

Do what the Bible tells us to do,
"And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”
Exodus 14:13-14

So today, I have shared with you a Word that was given to me by Holy Spirit..

"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
Romans 10:17

"Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
Matthew 13:43

And now may the the Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Now and forever, in Jesus' name

Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved
Brian Monzon Ministries

The Brian Monzon Ministries



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