Good Morning Family!
What an honor and privilege it is to have all of you here today
and share the Word of God!
Heavenly Father,
We gather today, in this place, to offer up to You our worship and praise. We thank You for the great measure of Your love and for the redemptive power of Your grace. Be pleased in Your mercy, to come to every one of us just now, as we come before You, and find in You, what nothing in this world can give us: Redemption from our sin through Your Son, Jesus Christ, Who gives a peace that cannot be taken away, and hope that is unashamed and unafraid.
Lord, open our hearts and minds to Your message, Your truth, that we may leave today, a changed people!
In Jesus' Name we ask and pray
Many of us have been in a drought, some for years.
But while I was writing this message it begin to pour down rain on the outside, while God was pouring out His Spirit on the inside. I was amazed. I felt the power of the Holy Ghost, of God’s Word, and I was overcome with emotion.
"Then Elijah said, “As the Lord of hosts lives, before whom I stand, I will surely present myself to him today.”
1 Kings 18:15
"Now it happened in the meantime that the sky became black with clouds and wind, and there was a heavy rain. So Ahab rode away and went to Jezreel."
1 Kings 18:45
Sound = vibrations, so my ear has picked up the vibration of something that is coming.
I can't see it, I can't touch it, I don't feel it but it's on the way.
How do I know it's coming this way?
Because it's getting louder all the time, and the closer it gets the louder it gets!
When a train is coming your way, you can hear the sound of the train coming on the track, feel the vibrations, even before it arrives.
When large hail is coming your way, you can hear it from blocks away.
When 120 men and women had gathered in the upper room waiting for the promised power, the bible says: Suddenly there came a sound from heaven, like a mighty rushing wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
There was a sound: The sound was an indication,
Suddenly, cloven tongues as fire appeared on each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
I hear the sound of an abundance of rain:
Now I know, that may not mean anything to some of you, but for somebody listening to the sound of my voice, it means everything.
I believe, someone going through tough spiritual battles has been praying, listening for an answer to their problems.
Say that with me,
It's on the way!
Yes, Lord, it's on the way!
Help is on the way, the answer is on the way,
The breakthrough in the Holy Spirit is on the way!
Church, let me tell you, there's just something powerful about knowing that it's on the way that puts a fire back in your belly and a fight in your spirit, it gives you the strength to hold on a little while longer!
Some of you prayed, you fasted and you've cried in silence and aloud, you've confessed the Word and from every natural evidence, it seems as though nothing has changed, and if the truth be told, for many of you it's even gotten worse.
But I came today with a Word from Almighty God!
I came to tell you this:
Change is in the atmosphere, rain is coming!
Restoration is coming, healing is coming, peace is coming, joy is coming!
I want to hear the sound of the Abundance of rain: I don't see any evidence, I don't see any sign, but I want to hear it.
Tell the person sitting next to you, The sound is the sign!
Scripture tells us:
"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!"
There is a sound:
Now the word sound does not just mean noise or racket.
It means PROCLAMATION….It's a decree in the spirit realm.
You have to pick this up in the spirit.
This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.
Somebody's faith is going to another level today!
Somebody who has been struggling through the wilderness of just enough and barely getting by, is getting ready to go into overflow.
Some of the stuff that was used to hinder you, was used to pull down, after this message today, they are not going to bother you anymore because you won't be living in that same neighborhood anymore.
I hear the sound of the abundance of rain:
The rain is God’s power visiting your life, in whatever area or areas are in drought, or in lack, or broken or empty
Are going to become quenched with rain!
The rain, is God taking every plan, every plot and every scheme and every weapon that the enemy has launched against you and your family, and turning it all around for your good.
The simplest of terms, answered prayers!
You need to believe that God is going turn it around!
Say that with me,
God is going to turn it around!
God's going make it rain.
Come on say it with me,
God's going to make it rain!
And you need to keep saying it, until you believe it!
The rain was on the way but there was work to be done!
Ahab went to play and Elijah went to pray.
So, if things seem to be stagnate around you and nothing seems to be moving, you better check your prayer temperature...
For every miracle, every breakthrough, every prodigal who comes home, every son or daughter who is delivered from drugs and perversion.
Somebody has to pray
Say that again,
Somebody has to pray!
Elijah got himself in the birth position, his head between his knees and began to labor in prayer for what he heard in the Spirit
He sent his servant out to look toward the sea for an answer, the sea represents the word of God; you have to get your eyes on the Word.
His servant returns the answer: I’m looking but I don’t see any evidence of an answer to your prayer.
But Elijah just keeps on praying, he sends his servant back to the sea and while the servant is running, Elijah is still praying.
You have got to keep on praying:
When you have a Word from God in your spirit, you just have got to keep on praying.
Paul said: "Pray without ceasing!"
Daniel prayed for 20 days with no evidence whatsoever that God had heard him, but on the 21st day the breakthrough came, Michael the warring angel broke into the battle and Gabriel got the message through.
God will do whatever it takes to get it to you, as long as you don’t quit!
Keep on praying, keep on praising, keep on confessing, keep on tithing and sowing and singing and dancing.
Don’t let the devil see you sweat!
Delay is not denial!
Say that with me,
Delay is not denial!
Abraham was delayed 25 years but not denied!
Joseph was delayed 15 years, but not denied.
Lazarus was delayed for 4 days, but not denied.
Numbers 23:19 says:
"God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"
Faith can see: A meal for a multitude in a sack lunch.
Faith can see: An oil business in a room full of empty jars.
Faith can see: A king in a simple smelly shepherd boy.
The problem today, is all God's people see is defeat when we are not defeated!
Do you need some mountain moving faith right now?
We need a Drought Busting faith in the house
I tell you right now, the drought can break and the rain is on the way: Somebody listening to my voice right now
That drought in your finances can break, that long dry spell can be over in Jesus name!
For somebody else: Your spirit has been dry for so long, and you’ve felt so distant from the presence of God. That drought is breaking now, the wind is blowing and the rain of Gods supernatural presence is flooding your soul right now, Just open up and let it fall on you.
For Somebody else: You’ve been fighting a long battle with your health, it’s raining, there’s healing in the rain, receive your healing, receive your breakthrough!
And you: You’ve been going through a long dry place with your family, it seems like it just gets worse and worse, you try to love them, you try to embrace them, but it seems they just push you away, running faster and harder.
It’s time for that drought to break, it’s time for it to rain on your family, in your relationships, your husband, your wife, your children and even your grandchildren are going to get soaking wet.
Come on and somebody lift up your hands and tell God:
Send me the rain!
Say it again,
Send me the rain!
You've got to tell Him you want it!
Tell Him how bad you want it to rain!
In closing....
It’s the time of Rain: The anointing is here, the rain is falling, yokes are being destroyed, and burdens are being lifted.
Joy is being restored, peace is being restored.
Elijah got off his knees and told Ahab: It’s here, the rain is here, and if you don’t get that chariot rolling, you aren’t getting off this mountain.
And while Elijah was prophesying, the wind blew and the clouds turned black and the rain came.
Elijah heard it with his spirit. He prophesied it with his mouth. He saw it with his eyes.
I prophesy to you right now:
Somebody is getting ready to see a manifestation of what you have heard God say in your spirit.
You’ve been confessing it and believing it and a lot of people thought you were crazy, but you’re getting ready to see it because the drought is over and the rain is here.
I wish I had some people in here who knew how to enjoy the rain: I wish I had some people in here who knew how to dance in the rain.
I remember they used to sing a chorus all the time when I was much younger,
"Send down the rain Lord
There’s joy in the rain Lord
Healing in the rain Lord
There’s dancing in the rain Lord
There’s freedom in the rain Lord!"
Somebody needs to lift up your hands right now and begin to Praise Him for that rain that's coming!
Praise Him, like a man in the desert who was dying for water and stumbled into an Oasis.
Praise Him because the rain is on it's way and soon the drought will be over.
Zechariah 10:1 says
"Ask the Lord for rain
In the time of the latter rain.
The Lord will make flashing clouds;
He will give them showers of rain,
Grass in the field for everyone."
And now may the Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Now and forever, in Jesus' name
Brian Monzon Ministries