In our passage today Paul is looking at this idea of crossing over from being a child, being immature, living under a lot of rules to keep you in line, kind of like a slave, crossing over from that to a mature adult, coming of age, given the rights and inheritance that belongs to a child of God and an heir – it comes with new freedom, and new responsibilities.
Open with me your Bibles, to the book of Galatians chapter 4. Today, in our ongoing study of the book of Galatians, we'll be studying verses 1 through 11. I invite you to follow along with me as I read to you to get our text settled in our minds. Galatians 4:1-11.
As a child, before he crossed over into adulthood through one of these ceremonies, a boy was a minor in the eyes of the law, and he was not able to make legal decisions. He might be the future owner of a large estate, but he was not in control of his own life. Everything about his life was done and directed for him.
I'm sure you remember, when we were back in chapter 3, we talked about the pedagogue, a slave that was in charge of the child, supervising him, making sure he got his education, disciplining him. Even though the child was heir to his father’s inheritance, he had no more freedom than if he were a slave.
Therefore, we can identify the two kinds of people by their status, Slave or Free.
Jesus told us in John 8:34, "Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin."
Verse 3, "So we too, when we were children, were held in bondage under the elementary principles of the world." In other words, Paul is telling us, apart from a relationship with Jesus Christ, a person is a slave to sin, therefore, a prisoner of the law, which we know that no one can uphold. In verse 3, he is comparing a lost person to a child, in slavery under the basic principles of the world.
In Chapter 3, verse 23, he said "But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the Law, being confined for the faith that was destined to be revealed."
The word Paul uses for basic principles, stoicheia, means putting things in a line, like the alphabet, most literally, he is saying we are slaves to the rudimentary ABC’s of the law.
The law reveals our guilt, and because we can do nothing about it, we are imprisoned by the law, slaves to our sin, our choice and ongoing choice to rebel against God and disobey his commands.
It is a hopeless condition because the prison is unbreakable. We have no way of escaping. We lack the ability to live up to God’s standard of Holiness and perfection.
But God loves you, so He made a way. He sent His Son on a mission. A mission of Redemption, a mission of love, of suffering, of victory and glory, a rescue mission.
I really enjoy stories about someone on a mission. The mission is always a grand, exciting adventure, there is danger at every turn, and the bravery of our hero shines through as he slays the dragon, foils the villain and rescues the damsel in distress. However, even the grandest story the human mind can conjure up, cannot begin to touch the reality of the greatest mission in human history, that of Jesus Christ.
He came to rescue all of humanity. The villain of the story, is the most evil creature that has ever existed, a fallen angel, the father of murder and lies - Satan. Our hero is none other than God Himself. He came and dwelt among us, taking on the nature of a man, born of a woman, born under the law.
Verses 4 and 5, "But when the fullness of the time came, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons and daughters."
Jesus' mission involved accomplishing things that you and I could never do. He lived a sinless life. Even though he was born under the law, the bars of that prison, could never close in around him, there was no guilt, no sin to shackle and bind Him.
Jesus was no slave. He was the only completely and truly free man to ever walk upon the earth. Yet He willingly submitted Himself to the will of the Father. And, according to God’s plan of Redemption for man, Jesus, guiltless and sinless, allowed Himself to be arrested, convicted and sentenced to die as a criminal, death on the cross. Jesus, was the only truly innocent person who ever lived.
However, it was necessary for Jesus to suffer the punishment of the cross, in order to pay the price that is owed by all of us, who are slaves to sin and unable cannot pay the debt that we owe.
So, Jesus laid down his life so that we could gain true life. Abundant life and freedom from the slavery of sin. Jesus accomplished His mission, as only He could. He faced His suffering and death with incredible strength and courage, even asking for the forgiveness of those who mocked Him and nailed Him to the cross.
Then He gained victory over death, through His resurrection, after 3 days He walked out of the Tomb, alive, proving His claims that He was indeed the Son of God, and God's acceptance of His sacrifice. God, in human form, crushed Satan in defeat. Victory over sin, over death, over Satan. The victory of Jesus, is the key to our release from prison and slavery.
If you will recognize your condition, as a slave to sin, imprisoned by the law. And repent, meaning to turn away from your sin and turn to Jesus. And you believe on Jesus, as the Son of God, asking Him to forgive your sins
and rule your heart and your life. You put your faith, your trust
wholly and completely in Him, then the victory of Jesus belongs to
you as well. You are vindicated in the Eyes of God, and you are adopted
into the family of God. It is the single best decision I have ever made in my life!
Paul says in verses 6 and 7, "Because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying out, “Abba! Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God."
In ancient Rome, when a father wanted to adopt a son, he paid a price for him. There was a ceremony called vindicatio. It’s where we get our word vindication.
When a child was adopted, they transferred from one family to another. Everything that was associated with the formed family is gone, whatever inheritance they had in that former family is wiped out. Whatever debt was owed, whatever blame or suspicion, everything is wiped clean, and the adopted child is seen a truly a new son of his adopted father. A son with full rights, a full claim to his new inheritance just like any other son.
In this same way, when you are an adopted child of God, your past is wiped clean. You are given a clean slate. Your inheritance, once eternal death in Hell, has been removed, once under condemnation for your sin, for breaking the commandments of God, sentenced to eternity apart from God.
That is now gone, all sin is wiped out, and as a child of God, you are a new person, with a new future, a new inheritance. A son of God with full rights, and an heir.
Not only a son and an heir, now the Holy Spirit indwells in you, lives within your heart, and calls out "Abba, Father." The most intimate term a child uses for their Father.After we have placed our trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savoir, we take our first big step of obedience as a believer by being Baptized. The baptism ceremony is a clear dividing line in the life of a believer. It shows that a significant change has taken place. We are buried with Christ in death, our old sin self crucified with Jesus on the Cross, we are reborn as a new person with new life, sharing in the Resurrection life of Jesus. Our baptism is an outward sign of these things that have taken place in our hearts. And after that, we have a different status, new freedom, and new responsibilities
We have been set free by Jesus. We share in his victory over Satan, sin and death. We are no longer a slave to our sin, we submit ourselves to Jesus, as our Lord and Savior.
We are then free to follow God’s will in our
life, We are free to live our life for the glory of God. We are still
have our sinful nature, we still stumble, we still fail, we still sin,
but we have God’s spirit living in us, changing us, making us more and
more like Jesus. And like the child who has reached maturity, we are expected to act less like children, more like mature believers. More like Jesus Christ.
However, if we were to chart our progress of "growing up" spiritually, becoming more mature as a Christian, more obedient, more Christ-like, it would certainly not be a straight line. It would be more like graph, full of up's and down's. There would be periods of incredible growth, periods of stagnation, and even some periods with a downward trend.
The good news is, however, once you are saved by
God, you can never lose your status as His child, but you can slide so
far back, that you begin acting like a slave. Rendering you ineffective, unusable
as a tool in God’s hand. You can become someone whose testimony has a
negative effect on people in the world. Leaving them to wonder, "That’s a Christian" Then exclaiming, "Obviously, I’m better
off where I am." I am deeply saddened to say, we see a great deal of that occurring within Christianity today.
That bring us to Paul's warning, in verses 8 through 11, "However at that time, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are not gods. But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles, to which you want to be enslaved all over again? You meticulously observe days and months and seasons and years. I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain."
When we are growing as a Christian, and we are focused on our relationship with Jesus Christ, on doing the will of God, we are therefore, submitting ourselves to His leadership and we are operating on His principles, the ideal situation.
Then, there are times when it is tempting for us to try to run back to our old ways, those weak and miserable principles.
Paul is upset that the Galatians are observing special days and months and seasons and years. The Galatians are being pulled back to a form of legalism by the false Jewish teachers, who were still observing Sabbath day laws, new moon festivals, and yearly festivals like Passover.
These were all mere types and shadows, things that were pointing to the messiah. They were fulfilled in Christ and once you're in a personal relationship with Him, these things are no longer needed. We no longer need special days, and festivals to make us think of Jesus, we have the real thing, Jesus living in our hearts. Every day we can talk to Him, feel his presence, having a real relationship with Him.
Legalism is only one form of sliding back into slavery. There are many others. The Judaizers were addicted to the law, they remained slaves to it.
Today, there are some people are addicted to others things, and they let their addiction turn them into slaves. Some are slaves to a substance, others to an immoral behavior. Addictions to drugs and alcohol that can rob a person of their ability to think clearly and be sober minded. Destroying entire lives and families.
While other addictions are more subtle, however, are just as destructive. Addiction to pornography is at an all time high, it is all too easy to access by internet and it is destroying marriages and families. It is one of the most insidious tools used by Satan to drive a wedge between people who love each other, and between a person and their relationship with God.
Addiction to work is just as dangerous, on the surface, we tend to see it as noble. We admire a person who works hard. However, there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. God loves hard work too, though He doesn’t condone neglecting one’s family and He certainly doesn’t condone neglecting one’s relationship with Him.
Anything that builds itself up, becomes an idol. Becoming more important and a higher priority, in one's life than God and family is NOT from God, and it must be resisted. Why? Because Satan is a master at whispering in our ear and tempting us to shift our focus and priorities away from God’s "just temporarily" in order to accomplish his mission.
In Closing...
There are times, when I've been under conviction for allowing my schedule to be somewhat "undisciplined." Often, balancing work and family is difficult, especially when your work is God's work, it's easy to justify it. However, God also wants us to spend time with our families. I have since strived to find a harmonious balance, setting aside time each day, for God's work and my family.
God has given us everything we need to live victorious, fulfilling lives. Learn who you are. A Child of the King shouldn’t live like a slave of the world.
To recognize God as Lord is to acknowledge that He is sovereign and supreme in the universe. To accept Him as Savior is to accept His gift of salvation offered on the cross. To regard Him as a Father is to go a step further. A father is the one in your life who provides and protects. That is exactly what God has done.
Living in Christ, we move from immaturity into maturity. So that we might truly become owners of all our blessed inheritance in Christ.
May it be so...
the Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Now and forever, in Jesus' name