Paul is devoted to
Jesus Christ. It's everything he is, everything he does, everything his life is centered around, is Jesus Christ and His glory. And that, is what Paul is asking the Galatians to become, like him, in that way. A life of Christ!
Then, in verses 13 and 14, "but you know that it was because of a bodily illness that I preached the gospel to you the first time; and you did not despise that which was a trial to you in my bodily condition, nor express contempt, but you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus Himself."
I find it interesting that Paul mentions that is was an illness that caused Paul to first deliver the gospel to the Galatians. We
often see an illness as a setback, an obstacle to overcome. However, for
the apostle Paul, it was a God given opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ!
If you have ever cared for someone who is ill, it can be difficult to do. To help someone who is sick, to take care of them, meet their needs. There is quite a bit of speculation about what illness Paul was suffering from. One of the most prevalent theories is that he had some kind of trouble with his eyes. If so, he might have needed a lot of help if it was severe while he was there. He might have needed help to walk from one place to another, to eat, to write for him, to read his letters or scripture to him. He would need help doing just about everything.
This theory might be supported by what Paul says in verse 15 "Where then is that sense of blessing you had? For I testify about you that, if possible, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me."
Though we can't be certain what Paul's illness was, I don't believe it really matters, Paul was ill and it was a trial for the Galatians.
I'm sure, most of us, would give Him our
undivided attention, see that He was comfortable, give Him all the time He wanted, or was willing to give us. He would be our priority, would He not?
Then, let me remind you, that Jesus told us that when we help someone in need, when we feed the hungry, give a drink of cold water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, we are doing those things to Him. And, if we truly believe and understand that, then the excellent way Paul was treated by the Galatians should be the norm when it comes to Christians.
Paul is saying that these people were absolutely willing to truly give of themselves, to make major sacrifices to help another person. They had that passion, that fire, that zeal for Jesus that turns people into super-servants Service always involves sacrifice. That takes commitment, that takes passion for Jesus.
Part of the problem for the Galatians is that they are falling prey to some false teaching. However, in the bigger picture, the root of the problem is that they have lost some of their zeal for Jesus, they were once on fire for Him, but they have fizzled out a little, their fire has been tamped down by time and by the world around them.
Satan specializes in trying to extinguish our fire for Jesus, to throw water on our fire. That just might be his voice that you hear saying "Someone else will help," "You shouldn’t get involved," or "I am on a tight schedule, I just don't have time to help."
Do you run away from your responsibility as a Christian, to be the hands and feet of Christ? Helping others, is our responsibility, yours and mine! It's not a duty, it's discipline.You can resist, you can kind of turn down the voice of
the Spirit, like turning down the volume on your television, press the "mute" button. Causing you to turn back to that familiar dark comfort, turn down the light a little. The natural man loves the
darkness, and resists the light. Our sinful nature thrives in the darkness. Where our sin is in secret.
Let's be honest, it is hard to give up all the control in your life, and we have a natural tendency to take back just a little, then a little more, and a little more. With that, goes a little of your joy!
That is part of what happened to the Christians in Galatia.
The false teachers in Galatia are zealous, but not for good. They are zealous to win people to themselves, to their way of thinking. They do not have the ultimate goal of Glory to God. They want the Galatian Christians to be zealous in the same way, for the wrong reasons and directed at the wrong target
It is fine to be zealous, as long as the purpose behind it is good. In other words, as long as we are zealous for Christ. God wants us to be zealous when it comes to Him, He wants us to be on fire, it is far better than being lukewarm.
However, if you are Lukewarm, then people might be looking at you and seeing you as an example of what a Christian is like. And if you are Lukewarm, then you are likely acting as a bad example of a true Christian, your life may have a negative testimony to the people in your life.
People like that put a bad taste in Jesus' mouth, He wants to vomit them out. That's why He wants us to be on fire, He wants us to be hot. He wants us to be zealous for Him! If you are on fire, it doesn’t come and go. If it is not just a show that you are putting on, look at me, the amazing Christian will now perform again, see what I can do?
If you are on fire, you aren’t seeking glory for yourself, but for God. You just can’t help yourself when it comes to living life for Jesus. Serving Christ, can even become your life's passion, and helping people who are in need.
In verses 19 and 20, Paul says "My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you—but I could wish to be present with you now and to change my tone of voice, for I am at a loss about you!" Maybe that is what God had in mind, when He put you in a place where you could talk about Jesus. Maybe God put you there for a reason, maybe they needed
to know hear that someone cared enough to help, they weren't facing their struggle alone. Maybe they were
having a terrible day and showing them the love of Christ, was all it would have taken to turn their day around. You will never know. Because you can’t go back in time. You can, however, do something.
What you can do is pray for God to reveal those to you He wants you to help, to give you the strength to face whatever challenge you might find yourself in, then turn up the volume on the voice of the Holy Spirit, and wait for God to stoke up your fire, to increase your zeal for Him.
It is a risky thing to do, because He will tell you to serve other people. He will ask you to sacrifice, he will take you out of your comfort zone and put you into situations you never thought you could handle. And that is OK because HE can handle anything.
Sometimes I wonder if it could have changed anything if I had been more on fire and more zealous when I had the opportunity, encountered people, whose life I could have affected. I'll never know now, I can’t go back in time.
We hear a lot of talk about the economy in America and the economy growing. You need to understand, that the economy in America grows on massive self-interest, often on the backs of others, not from wanting to help others; sadly, that rarely happens, but it should.
However, if you are here today and you feel hopeless like some of those we've encountered, I can tell you that it is never really hopeless, and that you can have real joy, your life can have real purpose. God wants you to have joy, to have real purpose, and to have a real relationship with Him, the creator of the universe.
Your sin is what separates you from God, but He sent His son Jesus, God incarnate, born in the flesh, to die on the cross to pay for your sins. If you will turn away from your sin, and turn toward Jesus, believing that He is the Son of God, that He did die on the cross to pay for your sins, and that he conquered death and walked out of that tomb on the third day. If you will do that and ask Him to forgive you, and ask Him to be your Redeemer, your Lord and Savoir, He will do it! He will forgive your sins and He will make His home in your heart. He will save you from an eternity apart from God and He will give you a life of joy and purpose.
May it be so...
the Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Now and forever, in Jesus' name