In the modern church, there is no shortage of public speakers, entertainers and false teachers. However, in our society, if you call out these false teachers, in order to warn the church, you are labeled as a caustic Christian, an alarmist or heresy hunter. We are instead encouraged to focus on the positive aspects of the preaching and not be concerned about doctrinal error. In other words, we're told to "Eat the meat, and spit the bones."
I Timothy 6:3 teaches "If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness."
Paul says follow my example. He is not living a life free of moral responsibilities. He said live according to the example of the life I live before you. Paul had been talking previously to those who were legalists, who wanted Christians to follow every letter of the Old Testament law. They wanted gentiles to first become a Jew and then only become a Christian. Paul had to deal with that and he had preached freedom in Christ. He had dealt with one extreme of those who were legal about Christianity. They would force others into their mold.
What are you living for? Your answer to that question will determine the direction of your life. If your purpose is wrong, your direction will be wrong. And if you're heading in the wrong direction, you’ll just be swept along by the currents of our age, doing whatever seems to bring you happiness at that moment.
Let me put it another way, what would happen if after preaching today's message I go home and I get a call from one of you who says, "Your message today, and what the Bible says I feel challenged to apply that to my life." Then I responded that I am glad you are challenged by what I preached today, but I myself had no intention of doing any of the thing's. It was more of a do as a say not as I do approach."
The point I'm making here, is if we
only speak the words they make very little impact. They need to be followed
through by a life that matches our words. That is what will make the most impact.
We need to not only preach the Word of God, but to live the Word of God,
by the example of our lives. That is what Paul is telling us.
Paul is able to say live the way I live. Paul says "Look to me as your example." We live in a day where people lift up Christian leaders to an unhealthy extreme. That is not what Paul is talking about. He is talking about in a healthy way; find a mentor, an example to encourage you in your faith. Paul is saying look to those leading a life that are an example of Christ and learn from them. But he also takes it a step further than that. He is saying let your life be an example so others can look to you for a good example of living in Christ.
Paul even encouraged Timothy as a young man to be an example to the older ones. So whoever you are and where you are in your Christian faith, if it be many years of pilgrimage or a young person just beginning the Christian walk you have a responsibility to be an example and you may find encouragement by looking to others. Find someone who really lives their life as an example of Christ. I know in my own life I can think of several individuals who have had a great impact on my life. It was because of their example, that made the greatest impact on me.Paul talks about those who are heavenly citizen, but who live with worldly purposes. "For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ."
This letter that Paul wrote to the Philippian church, delivered by Epaphroditus, was stained by the tears. Paul is broken hearted and weeping because those who claim to be heavenly citizens are focused on the things of the world. It moved Paul to tears. Those who claim to be heavenly citizens, yet live like the world bring about heartache and sorrow.
That is the danger of preaching liberty and grace. People will abuse their privileges and live like the world. Those who became worldly and broke Paul’s heart may have been distorting Paul’s own teaching. Paul is not weeping over the lost, but he is weeping over those who have made a commitment to Christ and have forsaken their heavenly citizenship. Paul is weeping over those who have turned their eyes to the world and the things of Christ have grown dim. When you focus on the world, you gradually begin to lose interest of spiritual things.
Paul uses some very strong words, calls these people enemies of the cross. Their god is their stomach. In other words what they really worship is their own appetites of the flesh. They seek their own selfish interests, the very thing that should be their shame.
In verse 20, Paul is calling the Philippians to this heavenly citizenship. He says "For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ."
Beloved, we need to make sure we live lives consistent to our heavenly citizenship. If you are a Christian then you have a citizenship in heaven. You not only carry your national passport but you have an invisible passport of heaven. Certain rights, privileges and responsibilities with this citizenship.
Paul says in verse 21, "who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself."
You have the right to claim your heavenly privileges, and you need to live up to your heavenly responsibilities.
In Closing...
Part of your heavenly citizenship is that you will receive a glories transformed body. Our citizenship means we have the gift of the Holy Spirit. We have power for victory over sin. God has given us the privilege of communicating with Him, whenever we want, intimately, as part of our citizenship. He has given us the privilege of taking the gospel to others. We have all this, but we need to be heavenly minded. We need to put our focus on spiritual things. When we have this spiritual focus the world grows dim. We desire Christ more. We have a hunger for the Word of God and for prayer.
It is then we are living consistent with our heavenly citizenship.
May it be so...
the Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Now and forever, in Jesus' name