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A Message From The Pastor..


In John chapter 17, before Jesus would go to the cross, he prayed in the garden that we the church would be one. In Ephesians 4, the Apostle Paul reminds us that there is one body. Since there is only one body, so why does the church feel more divided than ever?

Many churches and Christians have divided politically, ending relationships over political allegiances. Then, the Covid pandemic caused division because some people saw it as one thing and others saw it as another. Why are we fighting with each other rather than for each other?

People have become so fixed on their position, there was no longer any room for understanding and caring about someone else’s viewpoint on this. Or even needs. I personally know of churches where wearing a mask became a source of contention.

We read in Luke 19:41-42, “When He approached Jerusalem, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, “If you had known in this day, even you, the things which make for peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes.” I have to wonder, is Jesus weeping over the church today.

There are many more things I could list, because the list literally goes on and on. Yet, somehow all these differing points of view, instead of becoming points of listening, learning, and growing have become points of contention, division and disunity.

Everyone is so busy trying to speak, over talking everyone else, but no one is trying to listen. However, in the midst of all of this, on the pages in all of our Bibles, is the prayer of Jesus that we, the body of Christ, would be one.

In our passion of wanting to be heard, we are tearing each other apart in the process. Breaking the heart of the One, Who gave His own life for us all. Oh how Jesus must be weeping over His beloved church today…

I hear James words in chapter 4, “What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?”

James 4:2 “You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask.”

This sounds like the church. Fights and quarrels that drive us apart. Killing each other with harsh words that have not an ounce of love or compassion in them. Where is Jesus in this? I believe He weeps over his church, longing for us to become one, just as He wept over Jerusalem.

Beloved, unity does not mean the absence of differences. However, it does mean the presence of grace that will allow us to learn from each other and love each other through those differences.

How we become so passionate about our causes, that we have forgotten the cause of Christ? How can we tell the lost about the the love and forgiveness of Christ, when it’s not even within us?

Let me be clear, I am not referring to doctrinal differences. false teachings that twist Scripture or are in opposition to what God has said in His word; we should address those. However, even then, let us do it the way God has commanded us.

Ephesians 4:15 “but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ,”

In our selfish, self centeredness, have we forgone a worship service that truly honors Christ, whom we claim to serve, and created a personal worship experience that tickles the ears, and falls short of repentance and transforming the heart and love?

Beloved, we, His church, must return to Christ, moving in the direction that brings unity, listening and caring compassionately, rather than passionately speaking. We must stop fighting with each other and start fighting for each other. Lest we continue to cause Jesus to weep..

Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they missed opportunities. Are we too missing opportunities because we are not challenging and encouraging one another to truly go deeper in their walk? Have we watered down the Gospel message to the point where people leave entertained but not exhorted?

Have we become so focused on getting people into the church, that we’re no longer concerned with people leaving church in the same or worse spiritual condition than when they came in? Oh let it be that we preach the Gospel message, the life transforming truth in the Word of God, when they come in.
Hebrews 3:12 clearly teaches, " Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God."
Are we elevating ourselves, and celebrity pastors rather than God? God uses people in spite of who they are, not because of who they are. Not one of us is deserving of the way God uses us, no not one!
Therefore, if there is to be anyone elevated in the church, let it be Jesus Christ, for without His death and resurrection we would all be condemned in our sin to eternal death and separation from God!

Jesus was and is now the only hope of salvation for all. The desire of my heart, is not to condemn, but to restore, so that we who carry the name of Christ would carry it well, creating a stir in the hearts of people who desperately need to know Him.

Oh how I believe Jesus weeps for His church today…
May He break our hearts, for that which breaks His.
May it be so...


The Brian Monzon Ministries



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