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A Call to Action: Preaching the Kingdom


"Soon afterwards, He began going around from one city and village to another, proclaiming and preaching the kingdom of God. The twelve were with Him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who were contributing to their support out of their private means."

Good Morning my beloved,

We welcome you to worship today in the name of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. It's a tremendous privilege to have you here with us today this Lord's Day we are once again blessed with the opportunity to study the marvelous Gospel of Luke, where I believe Jesus is urging us as individuals to interpret the current events of this present age through a biblical lens, adopting a kingdom perspective that transcends worldly understanding. I would also like to encourage you to join us in praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ who face persecution, that their faith would remain steadfast, as they continue to endure significant hardships, in witnessing to their persecutors, and embodying the teachings of Jesus through their actions. Additionally, we ask that you would pray that God's Word and this ministry would reach those who are in desperate need of spiritual guidance and comfort, wherever they may be. Our mission is to extend our reach to all people, in to every corner of the world, whether they reside in largest metropolitan areas, regions of conflict or in places where the message of Gospel has yet to be introduced.

As a youth, my heart was filled with passion, brimming with zeal and enthusiasm and mingled with that was the profound love and reverence for God, coupled with a deep-seated commitment to pleasing Him, through serving the church, which was not merely a place of worship but a guiding Light that significantly influenced many aspects of my life. However, as I grew older and struggled to find a sense of purpose and path to personal fulfillment, I frequently found myself increasingly distracted by the allure of material wealth, power, and societal status. Sadly, like so many other young men, the quest for financial security and social recognition unfortunately overshadowed my spiritual aspirations, which temporarily led me astray. 

Ambitious people tend to be driven by their desire for success, which manifests itself in a number of ways, such as the ability to set and pursue challenging  goals, often surpassing the goals set by others and are more likely to achieve them than most, driven individuals often demonstrate an exemplary work ethic, characterized by the relentless pursuit of satisfaction in personal achievement and perfecting their professional skills, and perseverance and dedication  in continuously striving to learning from their failures, to further our professional growth. 

Reflecting on my own journey, I remember when I first embarked on the path of preaching , it was an entirely new and somewhat overwhelming experience for me, I found myself lacking direction, I felt as though I was kind of all over the place, that is until I discovered expository preaching, this was a transformative moment for me which provided a wonderful opportunity for me to concentrate on delivering sermons in a way that is Spirit-guided. This method allowed me to refine my focus and channel my ambition into a more structured style of preaching, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the Word of God, and also enhanced my ability to communicate effectively, contributing significantly to my personal spiritual growth and development.

I believe it was through these misguided decisions that ultimately made it possible for Him to redirect me back to the right path, which has taught me invaluable lessons about the importance of carefully maintaining a balance between worldly endeavors and spiritual commitments, ensuring that the latter is never overshadowed by the former. As a response to God's grace, since that time, there are very few decisions that I've made independently, learning to trust the One Who literally saved me from a life devoid of spiritual fulfillment, and rescued me from the pits of Hell, and a renewed commitment to the values that once defined my youth. 

It isn't any wonder that in Matthew 6:33, Jesus encourages us, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you," emphasizing the importance of prioritizing spiritual pursuits over material concerns. When we put God first, focusing on His kingdom, aligning our will with His will rather than succumbing to our own desires, we have the assurance everything else will fall into place, knowing that our heavenly Father is fully aware of our needs and is committed to providing for them. History is filled with countless personal testimonies from individuals than can affirm that by trusting in the divine providence of God's plan, we can navigate life's challenges with confidence. 

Since that day, all those years ago, I have since continued to pour myself into the intense study of the Scripture, dedicating countless hours each day, often all day, every day of the week, seldom taking any time off, for the purpose of knowing Christ, preaching is just a result of that. My commitment goes well beyond merely reading the Word; it involves engaging with commentaries, historical contexts, and various interpretations by renowned scholars which has been a cornerstone throughout history, to further enrich my own understanding. I am confident, that if the work that I am doing is truly worthy of being received by others, then certainly He will ensure that is achieved for His glory. Just as a good seed sown in fertile soil yields a bountiful harvest, so too will our efforts bear fruit, that when rooted in His Word, can inspire and encourage those around us, nurturing spiritual growth. 

The fascinating aspect of all of this, is that every element of God's redemptive plan seems to defy the typical human thought process and challenges conventional wisdom, a concept which can often be difficult for many people to grasp, especially when it involves forgiving those who have wronged us or deeply hurt us, and the tendency towards harboring resentment and seeking retribution, or the selfless act of prioritizing others' needs over our own, a principle that is in stark contrast to the prevalent human inclination of self-preservation and personal gain, inviting us to reconsider our standard approaches, encouraging us to shift the focus towards a more compassionate, God-centered way of living.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, "For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are, so that no man may boast before God." Paul challenges us to recognize that God has intentionally chosen those whom the world deems foolish to confound the supposedly wise by human standards, He turns the tables by using the weak to bring down the strong, by using those who are frequently deemed as insignificant or unqualified by societal norms to achieve His divine purposes, He demonstrates His ability. It is through His grace and purpose that we are called and empowered, therefore, no one should ever boast of their status or ability to achieve remarkable things, becoming a source of arrogance, for it is God who ultimately equips and enables us to do His work. 

Scripture is replete with examples like David, a young shepherd boy who courageously faced and defeated the giant Goliath, which subsequently paved the way for his ascension to royalty as the King of Israel, to illustrate that it is not through human merit or accomplishment that one is called for God's purpose but through His grace to exemplify this principle. I believe this also highlights the potential within each of us as individuals, despite our humble qualifications, through our faith in God, Who is the true source of strength and wisdom and His ability to achieve great things through us, if we're willing to surrender our will to His divine purposes and plans. I believe the Holy Spirit will only truly illuminate our lives when we remain plugged into God’s divine source of power, by fostering a close personal relationship with Him through immersing ourselves in prayer to seek guidance, engaging with scripture to deepen our understanding of His will, allowing the Holy Spirit to work within us, which is crucial for transforming our lives in ways we may never have imagined. 

Let's pray together

Heavenly Father,

Father, thank You for Your Word. We humbly come before You in prayer, seeking that You will achieve Your perfect and divine purposes in and through us, through the power of Your Spirit and wisdom of Your Word, as we strive to live our lives before the watching world that embody Your love and compassion for the lost, demonstrating the transformative power of forgiveness. Help us Lord to remain steadfast and focused on our mission, which not only involves spreading the Good News of the Gospel of salvation to all who will listen, but courageously confronting sin and error whenever they present themselves, offering forgiveness through Christ, trusting that through Your divine power, Your Spirit will work within us to accomplish Your good and perfect will, for Your glory. We ask and pray these things in Christ's precious name.

Today's Message: A  Call to Action: Preaching the Kingdom

Open your Bibles with me, if you would and turn them to the Gospel of Luke chapter 8, Luke 8:1-3. I would like to invite you to follow along with me as I read the text to set it in our minds, as we delve into the text, allowing it to settle deeply within our hearts, so let's take this opportunity to listen for what the Spirit of God has to personally say to each of us today through the Word and allow it to transform our lives.

"Soon afterwards, He began going around from one city and village to another, proclaiming and preaching the kingdom of God. The twelve were with Him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who were contributing to their support out of their private means."

These verses paint a very vivid and vibrant picture of Jesus’ ministry. Notice, His
preaching is not just confined to a temple or a synagogue, He's on the move, traveling
from city to city, going from village to village, proclaiming the good news of the
transformative power of God's love directly to the people who desperately need to hear
it, those who are often cast off by society, the lost, such as the self-righteous religious sinner, an abortionists, adulterer, fornicators, gays and lesbians, and all the people that pervert and corrupt our culture. This isn't just a solo act, He has His twelve disciples with him, a community of believers each from diverse backgrounds, offering hope, healing, and the sacrificial love of God, a love so profound that it extends even to those who are considered His enemies, which is the embodiment of the very essence of the Kingdom of God.  

I believe that this kind of love is the distinguishing mark of a true disciple, the definitive hallmark of those who are really in the kingdom of God and those who are not. We are never more like God, than when we love our enemies, doing good to those who hate you, blessing those who curse you, praying for those who mistreat you, these are the radical actions of love that are countercultural, that is when we most vividly bear witness to the world that we belong to God. True Christians don’t treat others the way they treat you. Doesn't the world do that? Even sinners love those who love them, do good to those who do good to them, and lend to others in order to receive back the same. 

Let's look at verse 1, "Soon afterwards, He began going around from one city and village to another, proclaiming and preaching the kingdom of God." Let's pause right there for a moment, I believe Jesus is challenge us as His followers by  demonstrating His own commitment of reaching everyone, everywhere with the message of hope and transformation that the kingdom of God represents, ensuring that the Word of God was accessible to all, regardless of their location or social status, past transgressions, or current circumstances, emphasizing the universal nature of His mission found in John 3:16-17,, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him."  

How often do we as Christians, find ourselves comfortably seated in the pews of our churches, expecting those who desperately need to know Christ to simply wander in and ask us if we'd be willing to share the Gospel? And, then often judging them when they do, saying to ourselves or others, "Who do they think they are? Just look at them, they clearly don't belong here!," basically hating our enemies. This may seem pretty ridiculous at first, but I believe this scenario is more common than we'd like to think, when we allow ourselves to inadvertently become complacent in our faith, waiting passively for opportunities to share the gospel, instead of actively seeking those who may not know of its transformative power. The sad Truth is, statistics reveal that the average Christian attends church 1-2 times a month, or approximately 12-24 times a year, with only 20% of those identifying as Christians attending church every week, and most can't recall the last time they shared the Gospel with even 1 person, and these numbers continue to decline, as many mainline denominations are losing members at alarming rates, while nondenominational churches have continued to see the most growth, over 30% in the past decade, indicating a shift in the importance of religious affiliation, with many seeking a more personalized approach to worship rather than the more traditional formal structured services of the past. 

Therefore, I strongly believe, that we should be more proactive in our outreach and more gracious in our interactions, extending the same love and forgiveness to others that Christ offers to us all. The scope of Jesus' message was the kingdom of God, which He made available to prostitutes, tax collectors, adulterers, and the self-righteous religious who believed the had no need of a Savior. If you’re genuinely interested in going to heaven, all you really have to do is stick with what Jesus commands, "love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might and love others as yourself." On the other hand, for those who stray from these teachings and choose to engage in actions that clearly go against the biblical principals found in God's Word, He will declare to them, "‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’"

Let's go back to Luke, Jesus was going around Israel, from one city and village to another, openly proclaiming and preaching the kingdom of God, with authority. Allow me to briefly point out, Jesus only dealt with one subject, He didn't preach about anything else, the kingdom of God. Unlike many preachers today, who will discuss a variety of topics ranging from personal growth and happiness to social issues, His message was singular in nature, centering exclusively on the subject of the kingdom of God, which was more than just a spiritual concept it was understood it was a call to living a transformative way of life, there was a narrowness to His ministry. Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus invite His hearers to adopt values such as tolerance, love is love, equity and social justice, and all religions are on different paths, heading to the same destination. He made it clear, there is only one way to heaven. I mention this because so many people have become horribly confused about the Gospel message. I believe that we need to reclaim the biblical concept of love which is loving others enough to tell them the Truth, rather than the abstract acceptance of all immoral behaviors. Jesus consistently preached a message of salvation, which he communicated with remarkable clarity, and unwavering conviction, an approach that captivated thousands and left a lasting impression on His audiences, especially the religious leaders, they hated Him for it. The Gospel not only involves inviting sinners to come to the kingdom of God, but warning them that the kingdom of God is at hand, therefore, we must prepare by repenting and believing the Gospel, not just the parts that we can manipulate to agree with our sinful lifestyles. 

Luke then tells us, "The twelve were with Him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out." I believe this verse highlights the transformative impact that Jesus had on those around Him, demonstrating His power to heal fully and completely restore. It underscores that when you come the knowledge of the Truth, and you embrace it wholeheartedly, you never look back, it is a complete and final commitment to change. Some women who had been delivered from demonic influences and sicknesses stood as a living testament to His ability to bring peace and absolute renewal to troubled souls. For example,  Mary Magdalene, once tormented by darkness was delivered from seven demons, was committed to loving and serving God with all her heart and soul, faithful to the end, and she was among the first who saw Him when He was risen from the dead.

I can tell you from my own experience, once you find true salvation, once you've experienced reconciliation to God, you're willing to totally abandon everything to embrace it and let go on anything just hold onto it. It's like the parable of the merchant seeking fine pearls, in Matthew 13, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. Like the apostle Paul, you count all things before as dung compared to Christ. A heart that has truly experienced personal salvation, reconciliation to God desperately yearns for all people to experience His love and grace, mercy and forgiveness.  

That brings us to verse 3, "And Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who were contributing to their support out of their private means." These individuals were not anybody influential, they wielded no influence or power in the community like the esteemed religious leaders. In fact, they were quite the opposite by societal standards. Joanna the wife of Chuza, who managed king Herod's estate. There's Susanna, whom we really don't know anything about because there is nothing said and her name never appears anywhere in Scripture again, suggesting she belonged to the vast, indistinct multitude emerging from the impoverished communities that were prevalent across the land of Israel who had left everything to follow Jesus.

Yet, it was these remarkably unremarkable, ordinary humble laborers, who did not rub shoulders with the elite or dine with those in positions of power, that were largely unseen and their stories untold by historical accounts, that played a pivotal role, helping to form the foundation of Jesus' ministry, working tirelessly with whatever limited resources they had, and means by which they could assist, encompassing a broad range of activities; such as preparing meals, mending garments, offering emotional support and prayer, to care for the needs of the group, ensuring the overall sustainability of the mission. Jesus did not surround Himself with powerful individuals who could enhance His societal standing or affluent well-established high profile figures, that could open the doors to circles of power, in order to help Him get to where He thought He ought to get. On the contrary, they were the meek and humble often overlooked by those that prized status and prestige. The men He chose were so ordinary, that by human reasoning, were unworthy and incapable of laying the foundation of a profound spiritual movement that would change the world, impacting the lives of billions and billions of people, from all around the word, yet, it was through these very unexpected choices, viewed with disdain by their peers, that He chose to proclaim the Good News that God offers salvation to all people, that when they are transformed have the potential to turn the world upside down just by proclaiming the Truth. 

May I point out, that everyone of us here today are the result of that multiplication process. How far are we prepared to step outside our comfort zones to boldly proclaim the Truth with compassion and urgency, in order to reach those around us who are living a life that Jesus warns will experience a very different outcome, being thrown into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth? As I've said all along, that's what our message always has to be as well. God's calling upon our lives, is a call to action for those who understand the stakes involved. Are we ready to abandon the safety of familiarity and embrace discomfort for a cause greater than ourselves? 

By the way, once you're in the kingdom of God, you are expected to live as a kingdom citizen, conducting yourself in accordance with the values and principles as defined in God's Word. You are expected to practice forgiveness, not just a one-time event but rather a continuous, ongoing process of healing and reconciliation, demonstrating acts kindness with love and compassion to those in need, regardless of their background or circumstances, exercising humility in your interactions with others, which involves not only the crucial act of recognizing your own limitations but also putting others before yourself, acknowledging the worth of others, being open to listening to them, willing to learn from their unique experiences to help build stronger, more meaningful relationships.

Jesus depended on the dedication and generosity of those whose lives had been changed by His ministry, this reliance is not unlike many of us today who have been called, who rely solely upon the Holy Spirit prompting, to inspire others to offer assistance by sharing their resources, whether contributing financially or through volunteering their time and efforts, extending hospitality to others, affording us with the opportunity to engage with others, so the continuation of impactful, heartfelt preaching, sharing the transformative teachings of Jesus and meaningful community outreach programs, changing the world one act of kindness at a time, may continue to make a significant difference in the countless lives that are touched.

I am convinced that we each bear a profound responsibility to show the world that God truly cares. , He has compassion on the sick and the suffering of humanity, He is a God of compassion.  Therefore, when you set out to represent Jesus Christ, preaching the kingdom message, it's crucial to remember not only to articulate His teachings that go well beyond words,  it's pretty important that you also incorporate His actions, exhibiting the love and care that He extends to every individual, regardless of their circumstances, fostering a sense of hope that can inspire positive societal change, including those who have strayed from the path of righteousness. 

Ultimately, I believe that it is crucial to distinguish ourselves through our actions from the merciless false teachers, who exploit the vulnerable and amass their wealth at the expense of those who suffer., building their empires through clever strategies to get the money out of the hands of the those who are the poor. In stark contrast, our actions should be motivated by compassion and selflessness acts of kindness, helping the less fortunate, striving to improve the lives of others through our genuine concern reflecting the true nature of Father, Who is rich in mercy and loving-kindness. 

May it be so..

And now may the Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.

Now and forever, in Jesus' name


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The Brian Monzon Ministries



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